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Foundation & Partners

A commitment beyond business

Partners in a meeting discussing with each other

You might have noticed by now that we believe in the strength of community. And that belief goes far beyond the walls of our locations.

Our mission

At the CanCanteen Foundation, we strive for a world where each individual is pAt the CanCanteen Foundation, we aim for a world where every individual is part of a supportive and inclusive community. Our mission is to support these communities by enhancing the quality of life, promoting local sustainable and ethical projects, and championing initiatives that offer opportunities, growth, and well-being for everyone. Every step we take should be a step forward for the community we’re part of as well.

Our vision

We imagine a world where the bond between businesses and their communities is unbreakable. A world where commerce and charity, profit and purpose, coexist in harmony. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to create an ecosystem where everyone—regardless of background or circumstance. The CanCanteen Foundation is not just about immediate aid; it's about laying the foundations for sustainable, long-term positive change.

Partnership & collaborations

In our journey to make a difference, we partnered up with organisations that share that vision, helping us to have as much positive impact as possible. 

Are you our partner to be? As we're committed to supporting our local economy, we'd love to hear from (local) brands, businesses and organisations. Get in touch, and let’s have coffee - or cocktails.